More than 18% of the world's population are victims of direct physical sexual violence.
Less than 13% ever tell anyone or get help. That’s 1.14 billion people suffering in silence.
MapYourVoice is here to change that.
MapYourVoice is a free, anonymous nonprofit service for sexual violence survivors worldwide. Our mission is to give every survivor a safe, therapeutic place to reclaim their voices and get support.
Learn how MapYourVoice works to meet the 3 essential needs for recovery from sexual trauma.
Despite what sexual violence may have taught you to believe about yourself, you are significant and your feelings, health, safety, and quality of life do matter.
What you can expect with your free, anonymous MapYourVoice member account:
Witness the bravery of survivors around the world who have shared their stories. By taking this courageous step, they are reclaiming their voices and their lives from sexual violence. And they are helping other survivors have the courage to do so as well.
We need to bridge the gap between the more than 87% of sexual violence survivors who stay silent and the support and protection needed to reclaim life from trauma. MapYourVoice is here to fill that gap and to have a powerful, timely impact on the lives of survivors worldwide.